

I am a student, first of all: I am passionate about discovering the laws governing phenomena ranging from the natural world to the human culture (for which I often have to accept the absence of a law).
Programming computers turned out as my favourite way to process the information, as an alternative to show and analyse the mathematical structures underlying. I used Fortran and C++ during my studies, Python and Javascript for my personal projects (on gitlab and github).


This website was born as a way of presenting myself to the job market (here the old version), but soon it became a blog, from which the name gablog.
It is written using Gatsby.js as a framework, integrated with d3.js where needed. Google Analytics is used to monitor the traffic.

Some projects

  • Torino Traffic: A data visualization representing the amount of traffic flow in different days and hours, as recorded by a number of detectors scattered in Torino, Italy.
  • Stackoverflow predictions: predicting the rating of questions on a forum, with a neural network implementation involving embeddings (using Keras).
  • Wind Server: Streaming data mocking a wind turbine sensor; transmission using Python sockets.
  • Some visual fun: forceField is a visualizing particles in a field of forces; Fear of Pointers plays with the mouse.
  • MPI Diffusion: Solver of the diffusion equation using MPI.